Keep Fighting Using the Armor of God

Jan 7, 2024    Jasa Tora

1. Our sworn enemy – Vs 10-12

a. The leader is the devil

b. His helpers

c. Their abilities

2. Our provided armor – Vs 13-17

a. The belt of truth – Vs 14a

b. The breastplate of righteousness – Vs 14b

c. The shoes of the gospel – Vs 15

d. The shield of faith – Vs 16

e. The helmet of salvation – Vs 17

f. The sword of the Spirit – Vs 17b

3. Our energy source – Vs 18-20

a. Praying always

b. Praying with all prayer

c. Praying in the Spirit

d. Praying and watching

e. Keep on praying

f. Praying for all the saints